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Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer

I spent most of the holiday period co writing a drama script which sounds like work but didn't feel like it. Moscow shoot worked out very well (see pictures) athough the weather was a bit gloomy.…

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On my way to Germany for Dragon's Den. I expect a brilliant show from them. Moscow after that for a great gameshow. Might be chilly though!

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Great recordings of Dragon's Den in Sweden ( see photos ). Thanks to Janca and her team. Went to the Vassa Museum which was incredible. Germany is my next destination plus a couple of projects…

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Hi, Just returned from Beijing having Exec produced and directed a new relationship gameshow, I Got You, with Zitai for the Hebei satellite channel (120,000,000 million viewer base!) in China. Had a large UK team with me in…

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On my way to Spain to work on Dragon's Den. May be a little warm in Madrid!

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Finally worked out a way of linking to Youtube on the video page. If you want a proper laugh take a look at me playing guitar a bit too earnestly! More video to come now…

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I am back from Turkey having kicked off Raid the Cage in Istanbul. Felt a bit sorry for the production team who were very passionate about the political situation and were demonstarting until God knows when…

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Just returned from Mexico (Dancing Nation) and Istanbul but returning to Turkey to work on the recording of Raid the Cage. New pictures available in the gallery of Dancing Nation recordings in Mexico. Still preparing…

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On my way to South America to Exec a show in Mexico then straight to Istanbul for another. I am also in pre production of a big project for Entrago which is a bit hush…

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In pre production of a major new gameshow to be shot in Beijing. In studio in September.

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The Liberte yoghurt shoot went very well. Monica Galetti is an absolute joy to work with and well done Red Door Television (Trevor McCallum) for organising such a effecient and jolly old day. See pic…

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