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Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer

Lots of very positive meetings had at MIPTV particularly with my Chinese friends. Now preparing a couple of large scale shows for Chinese broadcasters. Just got back from a pre production meeting in Copenhagen for…

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MIP is just around the corner so looking forward to lots of interesting meetings for me and IPS. Just finished recording Shark Tank in Rome for Mediaset. The production company I was working with, Toro,…

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I will be at MIPTV this year under the banner of IPS. The dates are the 13th of April to the 16th. Let me know if you want to meet up. Just shot a comedy…

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Hope everyone had a jolly old break. I finished off the year working in a studio just north of Lisbon with a great bunch of guys producing Shark Tank. I also managed to squeeze in…

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Just back from Portugal working on pre production of a show for SIC TV. Back again for the studios in December. Should have some pictures then!

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New website We have combined a group of very talented TV production companies and individuals to form International Production Solutions. I am very proud to be amongst their number. The service is aimed initially…

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The Tradepoint shoot was a great success. The video is online on the Tradepoint site. The brand is Rigour clothing. The guys in it were brilliant and hadn't appeared in anything before. Well done them…

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In pre production of an on line commercial. Will be directing the shoot in late August. Then of to Executive Produce a new live show due for transmission in October and we might be making the…

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Just finished Ep 2 of the drama, created a format for Propeller TV and producing a raft of formats for our Chinese partners. Also Inernational Production Solutions is coming along nicely. I will announce new…

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Go to my gallery/video tab and have a look at me speaking at the press launch of 'I Got You' which took place in Beijing.

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In the process of setting up another China visit. It's becoming the second home!

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Dragon's Den recordings went very well in Cologne. Really well designed set and an interesting group of Lions (as they call them). Corporate shoot next.

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