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Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer

The Caribbean cricket is coming to a close. Great fun and an interesting exercise. Next up is Dragon's Den in Austria and Shark Tank in Vietnam followed by a new live show for UKTV. The…

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Currently I am Executive Producer of the Caribbean Premier League T20 cricket 2016. 35 live games streaming into the UK for Dave TV. It is bonkers! A cricket party. Very watchable. The USA went very…

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Well, 34 hrs of live darts at the weekend. What a marathon. Great production team and the players were a joy. Thanks to UKTV Dave for letting me do it. I even got to hand…

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I'll be leaving for Los Angeles on the 6th of June to do a bit of pitching. More news on this to follow!

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Currently working with some great people at Dave as Executive Producer of some of their new sports programming. They have really taken live sport by the neck and given it a good throttling! They've just…

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I attended Jon's thanksgiving ceremony on Friday. Very sad loss of a lovely guy.

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Just back from Beijing after recording Dragon's Den. Very good shows.   Weather was a bit chilly though! Nigeria next with another show hopefully. Weather might be a bit better!

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Its really sad to have lost so much talent recently in the shape of Bowie, Rickman and Wogan. I worked with all of them in one shape or form more so Terry who I directed…

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Just produced a Halloween MHL special with Yvette Fielding, Rylan Clark, Jamie East and Paul O'Grady (see photo in library) for UKTV Really channel with Antix Productions. What a hoot. 3 and a 1/2 hours of live…

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June 14th saw the opening of an installation at the Videotage gallery in Hong Kong which features a compilation of short films created by various artists from around the world. It is called Translations II…

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Brilliant recordings of Lovens Hule (Dragon's Den) in Denmark. Mads Lund and his team from United Productions did a great job. Looking like Beijing is the next trip at the end of June. I am…

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Had a very successful shoot on Friday at the Gulbenkian Theatre in Canterbury with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Dover, Richard Coles, Enzo Oliveri and Dev Biswal. Cooks and clergy! DVD available soon. I am…

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